Contusm Open Access Journals

Journal of International Case Reports
Journal of International Case Reports (ICARE)

The Journal of International Case Reports publishes exceptional and unique medical case reports from around the world, contributing...

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World Journal of Health and Medicine
World Journal of Health and Medicine (ISSN: 2584-0223)

The World Journal of Health and Medicine ISSN: 2584-0223 focuses on global health issues, medical research, and innovations in healthcare to improve public health worldwide.

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Journal of Clinical Case Reports Online
Journal of Clinical Case Reports Online

The Journal of Clinical Case Reports Online is a platform for clinicians to share their unique patient cases and experiences, contributing to medical education and knowledge.

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Clinicals in Surgery
Clinicals in Surgery (CIS)

Clinicals in Surgery is a leading journal in the field of surgical medicine. It publishes research and case studies related to various surgical specialties and techniques.

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Archives of Food Science and Nutrition Research
Archives of Food Science and Nutrition Research

The Archives of Food Science and Nutrition Research publishes research on food science, nutrition, and dietary studies, promoting healthy eating and nutrition awareness.

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Archives of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Archives of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

The Archives of Pharmacy and Pharmacology publishes research in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacology, contributing to the development of safe and effective medications.

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Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal
Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal

The Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal focuses on ear, nose, and throat medicine and surgical interventions, providing insights into ENT healthcare.

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Case Reports in Dental Science and Oral Biology
Case Reports in Dental Science and Oral Biology

Case Reports in Dental Science and Oral Biology presents unique dental and oral health cases, contributing to dental practice and patient care.

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Journal of Online Medicine and Biology
Journal of Online Medicine and Biology

The Journal of Online Medicine and Biology is an online platform for medical and biological research, promoting accessibility and dissemination of knowledge.

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Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology with Research and Reports
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology with Research and Reports

The Journal of Online Medicine and Biology is an online platform for medical and biological research, promoting accessibility and dissemination of knowledge.

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