Instructions for Editorial Board Members

  • Editor should check whether the submitted manuscript fits within the scope of journal or not. Editor should assign the article to the reviewer's based on area of expertise.
  • The primary role of an editorial board member is responsible for peer review process, decisions and suggestions on review comments of submitted manuscript for improving journal quality by adopting policy guidelines issued by the publisher.
  • Editors should ready to hold the responsibility for the whole Journal content and actions.
  • Editor should contribute to the growth of the journal.
  • Ensure consistent communication with the editorial office or editorial manager of respected journal.
  • Every editorial board member must submit at least one manuscript in a year.
  • Promote journal prestige in their affiliated academic community and institutions.
  • Board Membership for an editorial board member is 1 year and auto renewable. An Editorial Board member may withdraw at any period of time from his / her membership by providing the publisher with the correct and valid information.