Author Guidelines

Contusm Publications welcomes original research and scholarly contributions from authors worldwide. Our journals follow a rigorous peer-review process to maintain high academic standards. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a smooth submission and review process.

Types of Submissions:


This journal is dedicated to publishing original research work or material which has neither been published nor copied from the same content. It should not be in a state of publishing in any other journals.

To ensure the above criteria, we use different software to check for plagiarism in the submitted manuscripts.

Ethical Considerations

Patient Consent: All case reports must have informed patient consent before submission.
Plagiarism Policy: Submissions are screened for plagiarism using detection software. Manuscripts must be original and not under review elsewhere.
Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest.

Peer-Review Process:

After the plagiarism process is done, Contusm Publications follows a rapid double-blinded peer-review process, where authors' and reviewers' identities are kept confidential and secure.

The review process will take a minimum of 1-3 weeks, and after receiving comments/reviews, a final decision will be taken for the acceptance of the manuscript.

Decision and Acceptance:

After receiving comments/reviews, a final decision will be made regarding the acceptance of the manuscript.

Submission Guidelines

Authors must submit their manuscripts electronically via the journal's submission system or email. That submitted manuscript must be not published or submitted elsewhere.

Submission Formats:

Authors are encouraged to submit documents in doc, docx, and pdf formats only.

Submission Documents:

Authors should submit all necessary documents along with the manuscript, such as figure attachments, cover letters, table files, etc.

Contact Details:

Authors must provide complete contact details while submitting a manuscript. For example:

Types of Manuscripts and Formats

Research Article:

Article should not contain more than 6000 words, abstract word limit should be 250 words. There is no restriction on the number of images, tabular columns.

Review Article:

The article should contain no more than 4500 words, and the abstract word limit should be 250 words.

Case Report:

The Case Report article should contain no more than 3000 words, and the abstract word limit should be 250 words.


Article should not contain more than 2500 words, abstract word limit should be 250 words.

Short Communications:

Article length should be restricted to 2000 words and can contain two figures or tables.

Letter to Editor:

Article should not contain more than 1000 words with a maximum of 10 references.

Clinical Image:

Maximum 3 images along with 250 words need to be submitted in clinical image.


Article count should be between 1200-1500.

Manuscript Preparation Format and Guidelines:

Cover Letter

Mandatory cover letter needs to be submitted along with the manuscript. A statement confirming the approval of all co-authors involved in preparing and submitting the manuscript. Declaration of any potential conflict of interest. There should also be confirmation that the content of the manuscript has not been published or is in the state of consideration for publications by any other journals.

Title and Author Details

The title should be specific yet concise. A complete detail of all authors' affiliation details, including department, university or organization, city, state/province (if applicable), and country, telephone no. email address.


An abstract is a vital part and it summarizes the whole article within 200-250 words or 250-300 words. It should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary depending on the type of article: Aims, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion.


Keywords that are important for the article need to be mentioned, followed by a semicolon. 6-8 vital keywords include in this section.

Body of the Article (Text)

It is the main part of the content that includes separate sections such as introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and acknowledgment.


Covers broader context and concludes a brief dissemination of research work or experiments.

Materials and Methods

Statistical methods with enough details are available to readers. There will also be a description of participants or what was studied. Mentioning any adverse events or side effects. Authors describe the limitation of the study.


Covers all relevant positive and negative findings. Tables and Figures can be included in this part.


Should give a detailed representation of data, starting with a brief but comprehensive overview of the main findings.


In this section, the final result obtained from the article by using methods/experiments is included, and further research can be done based on these observations.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors should mention conflicts of interest to avoid further hurdles or any problems after article publication.


Authors who have contributed directly or indirectly to preparing the manuscript should be listed in this section.


References need to be mentioned according to the standard, and the format should be in Vancouver.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Ensuring the Sustainability and Accessibility of Open-Access Research for a Global Audience While Upholding High Publishing Standards. Authors are required to pay an APC upon acceptance.

Why is there an APC?

The contusm journals upholds a commitment to advancing open-access publishing, providing unrestricted access to high-quality research on a global scale. To sustain the essential costs associated with the publication process, the journal applies an Article Processing Fee (APF). This fee encompasses the expenses incurred in managing the editorial workflow, facilitating a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring professional typesetting, maintaining digital preservation, and securing long-term archiving of published content. The APF enables the journal to uphold the highest scholarly standards, ensure the integrity of published research, and maximize the dissemination and accessibility of its content worldwide.

Waivers or discounts may be available for authors from low-income countries.

APF Structure:

For All Authors: $ 590

For any waiver requests or discount eligibility (such as for authors from low-income countries), please contact the editorial office at before manuscript submission.

Copyright & Licensing

Authors retain copyright but grant the journal the right to publish under a CC BY 4.0 license.

Post-Acceptance Process

Proof Corrections: Authors receive galley proofs for final review.
DOI Assignment: Each article is assigned a unique DOI.
Indexing & Archiving: Articles are archived in Google Scholar, Zenodo, and other repositories.