
Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal (OHNSJ)

Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal is an open-access and peer-reviewed international journal that publishes all aspects and sub-divisions of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal is dedicated to the community of scientists, researchers, scholars, clinical and medical residents, and students over the world. The journal offers a rigorous peer-review process and rapid online publication.

Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal explores the current and advanced management of tonsillitis, nystagmus, fistulae, and other head and neck disorders. The journal is also of extensive interest to cover otolaryngology sections and subdivisions such as ear, nose, and throat. OHNSJ journal publishes research, reviews, and case reports of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck medicine and surgery.

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Recently Published Articles

The Effect of COVID-19 First Lockdown on ENT Emergencies: What Happened and What Can We Learn?


The Use of Septal Perichondrium to Camouflage Nasal Tip Irregularities


Objective of the Otolaryngology Journal

This journal's objective or purpose is to provide quick review and decision times for authors; Continuous publishing format; and journals distributed globally for their research via Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery Journal.

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Scope of the Journal: OHNSJ

Acoustic Neuroma Allergic Rhinitis and Immunology Allergic Rhinitis see Allergy; Hay Fever
Apnea and Snoring Audiology Craniofacial Injuries
ENT Esophagus Disorders Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Head and Neck Oncology Head and Neck Surgery Laryngeal Cancer and Throat Cancer
Laryngology Maxillofacial Mouth Ulcers
Nasal Polyps Neurotology Nose and Throat cancer
Nose Injuries and Nasal Disorders Oral and Neck Oncology Otitis
Otolaryngology Otology Pathology
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Radiation Oncology Rhinology
Sinus Disorders Sinusitis Skull Base Surgery
Sleep Apnea Disorders Speech Therapy Swallowing Disorders
Throat Disorders Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Surgery
Thyroidectomy Tonsils Voice disorders