Welcome to World Journal of Case Reports

Reviewer Guidelines

As a peer reviewer for the World Journal of Case Reports, your expertise is crucial in ensuring the quality, originality, and relevance of the content published. Peer reviewers help to maintain the journal's integrity by providing detailed and unbiased evaluations of submitted manuscripts.

Roles and Responsibilities

Expectations for Reviewers

Types of Reviews

Reviewers for the *World Journal of Case Reports* are asked to conduct the following types of reviews:

Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their objectivity. This includes any personal, professional, or financial relationships with the author(s) or organizations involved in the research. If a conflict of interest is identified, the reviewer should recuse themselves from reviewing the manuscript.

Ethics and Integrity

The World Journal of Case Reports upholds the highest standards of publication ethics. Reviewers are expected to:

Benefits for Reviewers
How to Become a Reviewer

If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer for the World Journal of Case Reports, please fill out our Reviewer Application Form or contact us at submissions.wjcr@contusmpublications.com.

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